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September 20, 2024

VIDEO: Pressley, Haiti Caucus Stand in Solidarity With Haitian Community and Unveil Resolution Condemning Anti-Haitian Attacks

Pressley: “To our Haitian neighbors around the nation: I see you and I stand with you. Your lives are deeply valued by this Congresswoman. And your dreams, struggles, and aspirations matter.”

Video | Photos | Resolution Text

WASHINGTON – Today, House Haiti Caucus Co-Chairs Congresswomen Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY), Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-FL), along with Congressman Maxwell Frost (D-FL), joined colleagues and advocates at a press conference to stand in solidarity with Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio and across America, and to demand accountability for the harmful and false narratives perpetuated by Republicans.

The lawmakers also announced the introduction of legislation to condemn the racism and bigotry Haitian immigrant communities have faced in the aftermath of the GOP’s disinformation campaign, and to celebrate the humanity and contributions of the Haitian community.

Also in attendance from Massachusetts were Boston City Councilor At-Large and City Council President Ruthzee Louijeune and Reverend Dieufort Fleurissaint of Haitian Americans United.

A full transcript of Congresswoman Pressley’s remarks is below and full video from the press conference is available here.

Transcript: Pressley, Haiti Caucus Stand in Solidarity With Haitian Community and Unveil Resolution Condemning Anti-Haitian Attacks
September 20, 2024
U.S. Capitol.

Thank you to my Haiti Caucus Co-Chairs, my colleagues standing alongside us today, our dedicated advocates for justice.

Coming together in this way in defense of the Haitian community is muscle that we’ve had to build.

The people of Haiti have been neglected and Haitian Americans have been targeted, long victimized by the effects of colonialism and racism.

So we are used to coming together in this way in defense of our Haitian neighbors.

Today we come together to vigorously and firmly condemn the reprehensible hate and violence targeting our Haitian neighbors, friends, and colleagues in Springfield and across the country.

Let me be clear: the straight up lie about the Haitian community in Springfield, perpetrated and amplified by Donald J. Trump and James David Vance is nothing short of racist propaganda.

These flagrant lies are deeply offensive. They are disgraceful, they are dehumanizing, and they are outright dangerous.

And even though they have been completely debunked by local and state officials, including the Republican Governor of Ohio, they continue to be amplified by those who traffic in hate and those who seek to distract from their dangerous and deeply unpopular agenda.

In Springfield, Ohio, this rhetoric has ignited a very precarious situation.

I’m thinking daily of the thousands of Haitian families who are living in fear, facing harassment, and fearing bomb threats.

I’m thinking of the children lying awake at night not knowing if they’ll be safe come morning.

I’m thinking of parents consumed with worry for the safety of their babies.

This isn’t just about Springfield. It’s about who we are as a nation.

And we’ve seen this playbook before. Throughout our history, immigrants have been scapegoated, dehumanized, and subjected to violence.

We must put an end to this.

America is a nation that has always benefited from immigrants.

It’s what has helped shaped this country.

Generations of people fleeing violence, persecution, and instability have made the difficult journey, found a home, found work, and raised a family against all the odds.

We should celebrate that. And Haitian immigrants are no different.

That’s why I’m so proud to join my colleagues today, Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, Congresswoman Yvette Clarke, and Congressman Maxwell Frost, and all of our colleagues here today, in introducing a powerful resolution to condemn the hate and misinformation aimed at the Haitian community and celebrate their endless contributions to our nation.

Congressional intent is a powerful thing, and Congress must act swiftly without delay on this resolution

As the Congresswoman for the Massachusetts 7th, I am honored to represent the third largest Haitian diaspora community in the country, and I know firsthand how vibrant, dynamic, and thriving the Haitian community is.

I could speak at length about the contributions Haitian families make to our cultural and economic fabric.

But I will close by saying this: to our Haitian neighbors around the nation: I see you and I stand with you.

Your lives are deeply valued by this Congresswoman. And your dreams, struggles, and aspirations matter.

You are a part of our shared American story.

So thank you to our colleagues for being here today. A special thank you to those who flew in this morning from the City of Boston, Boston City Councilor At-Large Ruthzee Louijeune and also our City Council President, and Pastor Keke Fleurissaint  of Haitian Americans United.

Together, let us stand united against hate and build a just America that lives up to its ideals, where everyone feels seen and their dignity and humanity are recognized.

Click here for the full text of H.Res.1473 – To condemn racism and bigotry towards Haitian people, to celebrate the vast contributions of people of Haitian descent to the United States, to condemn the spread of misinformation, and to call on Americans to affirm our shared humanity.

“At a time when the Haitian people are suffering through a series of devastating, catastrophic crises, it is utterly contemptible that America’s most powerful would capitalize on the pain of those seeking safety in this country to amplify their anti-immigrant rhetoric. From Springfield, Ohio, to New York’s 9th District, to every corner of this nation where Haitian immigrants reside, these dangerous, disproven lies have brought real harm to those only seeking better lives for themselves and their families,” said Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke. “The extreme forces spreading this disinformation demand more than our universal condemnation, but a moral and humanitarian promise that we will not abandon our Haitian American neighbors to their cruelty. I am proud to stand alongside my colleagues and our many like-minded allies to reject the hatred of powerful politicians, billionaires, and extreme activists. Make no mistake – we will always rise to protect the right of immigrants to this nation to find their own American Dream.”

“Immigrants, including Haitians, came to the United States in pursuit of the American dream. When family-owned businesses in Springfield, Ohio were struggling to fill positions and keep production running, Haitian immigrants stepped up. These are hardworking people who have greatly contributed to the economy and have revived Springfield after decades of turmoil,” said Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick. “Politics should not divide our communities. It is our responsibility to protect our communities from hateful rhetoric and work to provide them with the resources they need to thrive.” 

“The baseless and racist attacks against innocent Haitian migrants and Haitian Americans cannot go unchecked. These are lies that only seek to hurt Haitian people and help MAGA extremists divide our country so they can win an election. I am proud to introduce this resolution alongside Reps. Clarke, Pressley, and Cherfilus-McCormick to forcefully condemn these attacks and send a clear message that this rhetoric is disgusting, hateful, and wrong,” said Congressman Maxwell Frost. “The Haitian community is beautiful, diverse, and an important part of the fabric of our country. Every single member of Congress regardless of party should be able to stand firmly in support of our resolution to condemn any and all hate against the Haitian community.”

“We condemn the racist and xenophobic lies spread by Donald Trump and Senator JD Vance, but we will not let their hate distract us,” said Boston City Councilor At-Large Ruthzee Louijeune. “We will continue the work—standing with our brothers and sisters in Springfield, Ohio – and every community with their backs against the wall. We will continue registering voters in every state, and fighting for our community. Thank you to the Haiti caucus, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, and Sheila Cherfilus-McCormack and so many Haitians community leaders across the country for standing in the gap, and using your voices, everyday. Together, we will be victorious.”

“This narrative about Haitian migrants that we are seeing today is based on racist policies that saw the US government detain Black Haitians in Florida and Guantanamo Bay while at the same time admitting white Cubans into the US.  The dehumanization of Black migrants is a constant thread in this country’s history – and today we see similar racial inequities with Ukrainians vs Black and brown migrants at the US southern border and within the country,” said Ronald Claude, BAJI’s Policy Director. “The question we must ask ourselves is why are Black migrants treated as a burden for this country while white migrants are welcomed?” 

“The campaign to denigrate Haitians as unfit to be in America Is a campaign against all immigrants, against decency and against persons of good will who wish to live peacefully in a diverse and culturally rich America. The hate-mongering has no other purpose than to divide and conquer by scaring people away from the voting booth. We won’t be deterred,” said Jocelyn McCalla, Senior Policy advisor for the Haitian-American Foundation for Democracy. 

“The recent threats against Haitians in Springfield highlight a disturbing trend toward division rather than unity. I call upon the officials in Ohio to provide support and protection for Haitians and to stand against hatred. We urge our allies to join us in this fight for justice and solidarity for all communities facing discrimination,” said Mary Estimé-Irvin, Chairwoman, National Haitian American Elected Officials Network

“The African Diaspora, including Haitian immigrant community has been instrumental in shaping America’s economic, cultural, and social landscape. We all stand in solidarity with their pain. Haitians contributed to the emancipation of African people. They continue to play a vital role in building a brighter future for our Springfield and our nation. We are urging all U.S political leaders to run their campaign with integrity, dignity and respect. It is critical that we continue to protect our democracy and the great values that America symbolizes,” said Princess Philomina Desmond, Chair, Virginia Africa Diaspora Caucus, Board Member, African Diaspora for Good Governance.

Photos from the press conference are available here and video is available here.

As Representative for the Massachusetts 7th Congressional District, Congresswoman Pressley serves as Co-Chair for the House Haiti Caucus and represents one of the largest Haitian diaspora communities in the country, with approximately 46,000 Haitians and Haitian-Americans living across the state and over half in the Boston metropolitan area. Additionally, Massachusetts is home to more than 4,700 Haitians with Temporary Protected Status.

  • On June 28, 2024, Rep. Pressley issued a statement applauding the Biden-Harris Administration’s extension and redesignation of Haiti for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). 
  • On April 23, 2024, Rep. Pressley, alongside Co-Chairs Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09) and Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (FL-20), led a group of 50 lawmakers urging the Biden Administration to redesignate Haiti for Temporary Protected Status (TPS), pause on deportations back to Haiti, extend humanitarian parole to any Haitians currently detained in Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s detention centers, end detention of Haitian migrants intercepted at sea, and provide additional humanitarian assistance for Haiti.
  • On April 18, 2024, Rep. Pressley and Haiti Caucus Co-Chairs led a letter to House Ways and Means Committee leadership emphasizing support for the early renewal of the Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement (HOPE) and the Haiti Economic Lift Program (HELP) Acts, commonly known as HOPE/HELP. 
  • On April 12, 2024, Rep. Pressley joined Haitian-led activists, organizations, and a directly impacted person in Haiti for a press call urging federal action to address the worsening humanitarian crisis in Haiti.
  • On March 27, 2024, Rep. Pressley joined Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and her colleagues on the Massachusetts congressional delegation in urging the Biden Administration to expedite visa processing for Haitians, particularly  for relatives of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents.
  • On March 18, Rep. Pressley, Senator Markey, and the House Haiti Caucus led 67 lawmakers on a letter urging the Biden Administration to extend TPS for Haiti and halt deportations.
  • On March 12, 2024, Rep. Pressley and Haiti Caucus Co-Chairs Reps. Cherfilus McCormick and Yvette Clarke issued a statement on the resignation of Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry.
  • On March 6, 2024, Rep. Pressley issued a statement on the recent jailbreak and State of Emergency in Haiti.
  • On December 8, 2023, Rep. Pressley and Congresswoman Yvette Clarke urged the U.S. Department of State to withdraw U.S. support for an armed foreign intervention in Haiti and encourage negotiations for a Haitian-led democratic political transition.
  • On December 6, 2022, Rep. Pressley issued a statement applauding the Biden Administration’s extension and re-designation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haiti.
  • On December 1, 2022, Rep. Pressley, Rep. Cori Bush, and Rep. Mondaire Jones led 14 of their colleagues on a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas urging the Department to extend and redesignate Haiti for Temporary Protected Status (TPS).
  • In September 2022, Rep. Pressley and Rep. Velázquez led 54 of their colleagues on a letter calling on the Biden Administration to immediately halt deportations to Haiti and provide humanitarian parole protections for those seeking asylum. The lawmakers’ letter followed the Administration’s resumption of deportation flights to Haiti as thousands of Haitian migrants continue to await an opportunity to make an asylum claim at the border. 
  • In September 2022, Rep. Pressley joined her colleagues on the House Oversight Committee in demanding answers regarding the inhumane treatment of migrants in Del Rio, Texas, by Border Patrol agents on horseback and pushing to Biden Administration to end the ongoing use and weaponization of Title 42.
  • On August 17, 2022, Rep. Pressley, along with Haiti Caucus Co-Chairs Reps. Val Demings, Yvette Clarke, and Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (FL-20), called on President Biden to appoint a new Special Envoy to Haiti, a position that has remained unfilled since September 2021.
  • On July 7, 2022, Rep. Pressley and Haiti Caucus Co-Chairs Reps. Andy Levin (MI-09), Val Demings (FL-10) and Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09) released a statement marking the one-year anniversary of the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse.
  • On May 31, 2022, Rep. Pressley and Reverend Dieufort Fleurissaint, chair of Haitian Americans United, published an op-ed in the Bay State Banner in which they called on the Biden administration to withdraw support for de facto ruler of Haiti, Ariel Henry, and instead support an inclusive, civil society-led process to restore stability and democracy on the island. 
  • In April 2022, she joined her colleagues at a press conference reaffirming her support for President Biden’s decision to end Title 42. Full video of her remarks at the press conference is available here. Rep. Pressley applauded the Biden Administration’s end of Title 42 in a statement in April 2022.
  • On May 26, 2022, Rep. Pressley, along with with Representatives Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), Andy Levin (MI-09), Jim McGovern (MA-02), and Frederica Wilson (FL-24), led a letter to United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Power urging her to act to ensure food security in Haiti.
  • On March 16, 2022, Rep. Pressley and Rep. Mondaire Jones called on Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky to fully end Title 42, cease deportations of people to Haiti and affirm their legal and fundamental human right to seek asylum.
  • On February 16, 2022, Rep. Pressley joined Congresswoman Cori Bush (MO-01), Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), and 100 House and Senate colleagues in urging President Biden to reverse inhumane immigration policies – such as Title 42, originally introduced under the Trump Administration – that continue to disproportionately harm Black migrants.
  • On February 14, 2022, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), alongside Representatives Judy Chu (CA-27) and Nydia Velázquez (NY-07), led 33 other House Democrats on a letter to Rochelle Walensky, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, demanding answers about the agency’s justification for treating asylum seekers as a unique public health threat, how these expulsions are being coordinated, how asylum seekers being returned to dangerous situations are being cared for, and more.
  • On February 14, 2022, Reps. Pressley, Judy Chu (CA-27), and Nydia Velázquez (NY-07) led 33 other House Democrats on a letter to CDC Director Walensky demanding answers about the agency’s justification for treating asylum seekers as a unique public health threat, how these expulsions are being coordinated, how asylum seekers being returned to dangerous situations are being cared for, and more. Days later, Rep. Pressley once again called on the Biden Administration to reverse the Title 42 Order and other anti-Black immigration policies.
  • On January 12, 2022, Rep. Pressley and Haiti Caucus Co-Chairs Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09), Andy Levin (MI-09), and Val Demings (FL-10) released a statement on the 12-year anniversary of the catastrophic 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010.
  • On November 21, 2021, Rep. Pressley and Senator Elizabeth Warren led the Massachusetts congressional delegation on a letter to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) calling on them to coordinate with the government agencies of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to assist newly arrived families from Haiti. 
  • On October 18, 2021, Rep. Pressley, and Haiti Caucus Co-Chairs Reps. Val Demings (FL-10), Yvette Clarke (NY-09), and Andy Levin (MI-09) issued a statement following the kidnapping of American and Canadian missionaries in Haiti.
  • On October 18, 2021, Rep. Pressley issued a statement on the civil rights complaint filed by Haitian families demanding a federal investigation into the heinous actions perpetrated by federal officials at the border.
  • On October 22, 2021, Rep. Pressley, along with Oversight Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney, Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), and Reps. Rashida Tlaib (MI-13), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14), and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), sent a letter to Troy A. Miller, the Acting Administrator of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), demanding a briefing and answers regarding press reports of the inhumane treatment of migrants in Del Rio, Texas, by Border Patrol agents on horseback. 
  • On September 17, 2021, Rep. Pressley and Congresswoman Nydia M. Velázquez (NY-07) led 52 of their colleagues calling on the Biden Administration to immediately halt deportations to Haiti and take urgent action to address the concerns of the Haitian Diaspora after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake devastated Haiti.
  • On August 14, 2021, Rep. Pressley Yvette Clarke (NY-09), Andy Levin (MI-09) and Val Demings (FL-10) and Mondaire Jones (NY-17) released a statement regarding the recent earthquake in Haiti.
  • On July 14, 2021, Rep. Pressley and Haiti Caucus Co-Chairs Reps. Yvette Clarke (NY-09), Andy Levin (MI-09) and Val Demings (FL-10) sent a letter to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas calling on him to take a series of steps to support the Haitian diaspora amid ongoing political turmoil in Haiti.
  • In July 2021, the Reps. Pressley, Clarke, Demings and Levin issued a statement condemning the assassination of President Moïse and calling for swift and decisive action to bring political stability and peace to Haiti and the Haitian people.
  • In May 2021, on Haitian Flag Day, Reps. Pressley, Levin, Clarke and Demings announced the formation of the House Haiti Caucus, a Congressional caucus dedicated to pursuing a just foreign policy that puts the needs and aspirations of the Haitian people first.
