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July 12, 2023

Pressley Introduces Amendments to Improve NDAA, Support Vulnerable Servicemembers and Communities

May 04, 2023

Pressley, Napolitano Call for Research on Mental Health for Formerly Incarcerated People

April 18, 2023

As GOP Target Vulnerable Students, Pressley, Watson Coleman, Omar Reintroduce Key Bill to End Pushout of Girls of Color

February 21, 2023

Pressley, Advocates, Survivors of Marathon Bombing Celebrate Passage of Congresswoman’s Post Disaster Mental Health Response Act

December 23, 2022

Pressley’s Post-Disaster Mental Health Response Act Signed Into Law

July 26, 2022

Rep. Pressley’s Statement on Massachusetts’ Enactment of CROWN Act

July 15, 2022

PHOTOS: Pressley Welcomes First Lady Dr. Jill Biden to Massachusetts 7th Congressional District

July 11, 2022

Pressley, Project Bread, Local Leaders & Advocates Hold District Convening on Food Insecurity

Mass incarceration is one of our country’s greatest failures—and it’s deeply personal to me.

@POTUS must use his clemency authority to confront mass incarceration, reunite families, & advance healing.

We must do everything in our power to save lives while we still can.
Republicans’ “anti-DEI” bill is a disgrace.
On one hand, it says that racism doesn’t exist. On the other hand, it says there’s rampant “reverse racism.”

This is the unserious work of the Republican Party.
P.S. they should keep MLK’s name out their mouth.
The Senate must approve @SenSanders’ Joint Resolutions of Disapproval to block the sales of offensive arms to the Israeli government.

I’ve met with doctors who tried to save Palestinian children shot in the head.

I’ve sat with moms who watched their babies burn & die slowly in Israeli air strikes. 

Congress must enforce U.S. law.
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