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Press Releases

July 15, 2024

Pressley, Nunn, Underwood Introduce Bill to Improve Access to Maternal Healthcare

July 11, 2024

Pressley Joins Paid Leave for All, Colleagues in Day of Action for National Paid Family and Medical Leave Policy

July 10, 2024

WATCH: Pressley, Paid Leave for All, Advocates Keep Up Fight for National Paid Leave Policy

July 03, 2024

Pressley Wins Prestigious ‘Democracy Award’ for Constituent Accountability & Accessibility

June 29, 2024

Pressley in Hearing: Project Labor Agreements are Essential to Economic and Racial Justice

June 28, 2024

Pressley, Waters, Tlaib Introduce Sweeping Bill to Strengthen Tenants Rights and Protections

June 28, 2024

Pressley Applauds Extension and Redesignation of TPS for Haiti

June 27, 2024

VIDEO: Pressley Uplifts Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Slams Project 2025 Plans to Weaken Agency That Combats Workplace Discrimination

I was my mother’s caregiver during her battle with leukemia.
I can’t imagine the heartbreak of losing the job I loved while also losing a parent who loved me so deeply — but that’s the reality for far too many.
We must pass @PaidLeaveforAll & build a just America that cares for our people.
In a just America, we would care for our people.

But today, too many people have to choose between a paycheck and caring for a loved one or welcoming a new baby.

While we fight to #PassPaidLeave, let me hear from you:

What has no paid leave cost you or your family?
Black women earn 66 cents for every $1 paid to white men.

The wage gap isn’t just a number—it’s a damning economic injustice.

On Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, we continue our fight to close the pay gap and build an economy that pays us what we’re owed.
Project Labor Agreements open doors for women, people of color, and veterans to enter the trades.

And they help ensure construction projects finish on time and on budget.

I’m proud Massachusetts is leading the way and using PLAs to advance racial and economic justice.
Big banks take annual stress tests to make sure they won’t crash our economy.

But Republicans want to undermine those tests to help banks game the system.

We need meaningful and stringent stress tests for a safer and more stable financial system.