Criminal (In)Justice
January 16, 2020
Rep. Pressley, Senator Warren, Colleagues Investigate Revolving Door Between Federal Agencies and the Private Detention Industry
January 15, 2020
Rep. Pressley Hosts CBC Delegation for Historic Visit to Greater Boston
December 13, 2019
You’re Invited to an Equity Agenda on the People’s Justice Guarantee
December 10, 2019
Reps. Pressley, García, Jayapal, and Bass Introduce the New Way Forward Act to Fight Criminalization of Immigrants
December 07, 2019
Pressley, Morris Op-Ed: A just society doesn’t criminalize girls
December 05, 2019
Following the Introduction of the People’s Justice Guarantee, Rep. Pressley Launches Legislation to End School Pushout of Girls of Color
November 14, 2019
Rep. Pressley Launches A Bold, Progressive Criminal Legal Reform Resolution: The People’s Justice Guarantee
September 25, 2019
Rep. Pressley Statement on Passage of the SAFE Banking Act