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Community Project Funding – FY2025

For the 118th Congress, the House Appropriations Committee will be accepting Community Project Funding requests for Fiscal Year 2025. These requests will be funded through the numerous government appropriations bills.

Community Project Funding, an improved version of the “earmarks” funding offered by Congress in the past, will bring direct funding to projects that make a real difference in the lives of constituents, especially the most vulnerable. Reforms to the process have led to investments in a small number of projects with strong community support, a transparent process where no Member’s family can benefit, and auditing to ensure money was spent as planned.

Unlike previous years, the Community Projects are limited to certain accounts, detailed in this document. Most importantly, each request must include demonstrated community support. You will be required to submit evidence of community support, such as:

  • Letters of support from elected community leaders
  • Press articles highlighting the need for the specific project
  • Resolutions passed by local/county/state governments
  • Projects listed on community development plans, state intended use plans, and other publicly available planning documents
  • Support from local newspaper editorial boards, etc.

It is important that any request you make satisfies every requirement laid out by the House Appropriations Committee and can legally apply to federal funding requirements, such as matching requirements. Additional requirements are listed here:

  • A financial disclosure statement from the Congresswoman certifying that neither the Congresswoman’s immediate family nor the Congresswoman have any financial interest in the proposed project.
  • No funds can be used by for-profit recipients.
  • Matching funding must be available for each project from the state/local government (matching funding does NOT have to be in-hand, but officials must have a plan to fund in order to meet this requirement).
  • Each project is funded only for FY 2025.

In the interest of transparency, all Members are required to post all Community Project Funding requests submitted to the committee on their website. The posting includes the name of the proposed recipient, the address, the amount of the request, and an explanation of the purpose and justification for the use of taxpayer funds.

Congresswoman Pressley made available a Community Project Funding Resource Guide to explain details on eligibility and support district partners in preparing requests. In order to submit a project for consideration, please click here.

To view Congresswoman Pressley’s FY2025 projects, click here.

To view Congresswoman Pressley’s FY2024 projects, click here.

To view Congresswoman Pressley’s FY2023 projects, click here.

To view Congresswoman Pressley’s FY2022 projects, click here.