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July 23, 2019

Rep. Pressley’s Statement Following Passage of House Resolution 246

WASHINGTON – Today, following Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley’s (MA-07) vote in favor of H.Res 246, Congresswoman Pressley issued the following statement. 

As I have noted many times before, I arrive at my decisions in close partnership with community. Today I cast a yes vote on H.Res 246 as an expression of  solidarity with Jewish families and with marginalized communities that continue to face heightened threats to their safety in this volatile moment driven by hateful rhetoric from the Trump Administration. Today’s vote gave us a very narrow and rushed opportunity to engage on an issue that warrants much further meaningful dialogue with the voices of all impacted at the table to say the very least. As a dedicated advocate for survivors of violence and trauma, I will continue to support a two-state solution. I am also proud to be a co-sponsor of H.Res 496 Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Rep. John Lewis’s resolution that opposes any and all unconstitutional efforts to undermine and limit the rights of individuals to peacefully protest and engage in boycotts.  I was raised in the tradition of protest and organizing and I support our ability to raise our voices through peaceful protest and action is a sacred right that has played a pivotal role in this nation’s history. We can call out and question the tactics of a movement but we should never question or marginalize the lived experiences and voices of those who call out for civil rights and liberties, including the Palestinian people.
