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July 22, 2021

Pressley Advances $958,218 in Community Project Funding for Separated Bike Lanes in Cambridge

WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), a member of the Future of Transportation Caucus, announced the successful inclusion of $958,218 in federal community project funding for the City of Cambridge’s Separated Bicycle Lane Network Build Out Project in the FY2022 House Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill.

Funding for the project, which Rep. Pressley has been advocating for through Congress’ Community Project Funding initiative, will be used to expand the network of separated bicycle facilities across Cambridge and connect them with existing and planned facilities on other corridors, which would link key employment and residential zones in the city. These funds would provide increased connectivity with safe bicycle facilities designed for users of all ages and abilities.

“Throughout my time in public service, I’ve fought hard to center equity, access, and sustainability in our transportation systems, and that includes promoting biking as an alternative to other modes of transportation,” said Rep. Pressley. “This funding will help Cambridge improve the safety of cyclists, reduce pollution and traffic, and promote connectivity to major employment areas. I’m grateful to Mayor Siddiqui and our advocates for their close partnership throughout this process, and look forward to seeing this important project across the finish line.”

“We are grateful to Rep. Pressley for her continued dedication and critical advocacy for separated bike lanes,” said Cambridge Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui. “The funding for this project will greatly enhance the work already underway, and will have beneficial impacts on traffic, the environment, and most importantly, safety for cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists throughout Cambridge.”

This project is one of ten Community Project Funding requests submitted by Rep. Pressley to the Appropriations Committee. Information on the status of additional requests will be announced in the coming days. To read more about Rep. Pressley’s Community Project Funding requests, click here. To watch her testify before the Appropriations Committee in support of her requests, click here.

The inclusion of this funding in the FY22 House Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill is the first step in the funding process, and Rep. Pressley will continue fighting for this funding as the bill moves forward for consideration on the House Floor.

Rep. Pressley was also successful in securing over $18.5 million in federal funding in the House Surface Transportation Reauthorization bill, the INVEST in America Act, which will support several projects championed by the Congresswoman through the House Transportation and Infrastructure committee. The INVEST in America Act passed the House earlier this month, and included several other priorities championed by Rep. Pressley.

In October 2019, Rep. Pressley founded the Future of Transportation Caucus, a Congressional caucus focused on centering equity, access, and sustainability in our transportation systems.

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