2021 Inauguration Ceremony Tickets
The President and Vice President of the United States will be sworn into office on January 20th 2021. The inauguration ceremony is traditionally held on the west end of the U.S. Capitol and managed by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC).
The JCCIC typically provides Members of Congress with a limited number of viewing area tickets to distribute, most of which are for a standing area near or at the east end of the National Mall.
Please note that plans for the ceremony have not yet been announced and may vary significantly from past ceremonies due to the COVID-19 pandemic and public health guidance. We advise that you review all guidance from your local public health department to inform your decisions about traveling.
The JCCIC will not inform Members of Congress of how many tickets they will provide until December. The Office of Congresswoman Pressley will begin granting requests for inauguration tickets once the JCCIC has informed us of the number of tickets our office will receive.
We strongly recommend that ticket requesters make flexible travel plans given the situation.
The JCCIC does not release the actual tickets to Members of Congress until about a week before the inauguration ceremony itself. Details about mailing and pick up options the week before the Inauguration will require a time sensitive response. Due to the volume of requests, our office is only able to follow up with constituents of Massachusetts’ 7th Congressional district about requests/inquiries. We encourage non-residents of the MA 7th to reach out to their member of Congress directly or via a similar form on their website.
Ticket requests that are not fully completed may not be answered.
Submitting a request for a ticket does not guarantee that you will receive a ticket but we will do our best to accommodate constituent requests.
Click HERE to fill out the Ticket Request Form