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February 9, 2022

Pressley Joins Levin, 129 Colleagues on Resolution Recognizing Congressional Workers’ Right to Organize

Resolution Text (PDF) 

WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07) joined Congressman Andy Levin (MI-09) and 129 House colleagues in introducing a resolution, “Recognizing Congressional Workers’ Right to Organize.”  

Following the passage of the Congressional Accountability Act in 1995, the Office of Compliance and Workplace Rights ruled in 1996 that passage of this resolution was the final step to give congressional workers legal protection to organize and bargain collectively.  Twenty-six years later, we are finally taking that step. 

“Organized power is realized power,” said Congresswoman Pressley. “Every worker should have the rights and protections that come with a union, and our Congressional staff are no exception. As a former Hill staffer, I know how essential staff are to the work we do every single day to serve our communities and constituents. I’m proud to compensate my team with a living wage and essential benefits, including 15 weeks of fully paid family and medical leave. This should be the rule, not the exception, which is why we must also protect the right of our staff to organize and collectively bargain. This effort is long overdue, and I am grateful to Congressman Levin for leading the charge. Let’s get this done.” 

“In a matter of days, 130 of my colleagues have joined me to say we could not serve our districts or states without the hard work and dedication of congressional staff, and that we honor the staff-led efforts to organize Congress,” said Congressman Levin. “In recent weeks, congressional staff have shared bravely their workplace experiences, good and bad, clearly illustrating their need for the protected right to organize. Thus far, congressional staff have driven the unionization process—and they must continue to do so.  Questions surrounding exactly how the unionization process will work are appropriate for another day. Today is about a simple proposition – that congressional staff must enjoy the same fundamental rights of freedom of association at work, to organize and bargain collectively for better conditions, that all workers deserve. My colleagues and I are listening to the workers and taking this first, critical step to get done what we should have decades ago: recognize congressional workers’ right to organize without fear of retaliation. There is no cause for further delay. I urge my colleagues to advocate that this resolution be brought to the House floor as soon as possible. And in the meantime, I hope my colleagues will recognize a union if a majority of their staff indicates they have chosen to form one. We have an opportunity to demonstrate our values of believing in the collective voice and power of workers. We cannot stop fighting until every worker in the country can form a union, without interference, including our own employees, right here in the Congress of the United States.” 

Recognizing Congressional Workers’ Right to Organize is cosponsored by Nanette Diaz Barragán, Karen Bass, Joyce Beatty, Don Beyer, Earl Blumenauer, Lisa, Blunt Rochester, Suzanne Bonamici, Jamaal Bowman, Anthony Brown, Shontel Brown, Cori Bush, Cheri Bustos, Tony Cardenas, André Carson, Matt Cartwright, Sean Casten, Joaquin Castro, Sheila Cherfilus McCormick, Judy Chu, David N. Cicilline, Katherine Clark, Yvette D. Clarke, Emanuel Cleaver II, Steve Cohen, Gerald E. Connolly, Joe Courtney, Charlie Crist, Danny K. Davis, Madeleine Dean, Peter DeFazio, Diana DeGette, Rosa L. DeLauro, Suzan DelBene, Mark DeSaulnier, Ted Deutch, Debbie Dingell, Anna G. Eshoo, Adriano Espaillat, Dwight Evans, Bill Foster, Lois Frankel, Ruben Gallego, John Garamendi, Sylvia R. Garcia, Jesús G. “Chuy” García, Jimmy Gomez, Al Green, Raul Grijalva, Jahana Hayes, Brian Higgins, Steven Horsford, Sara Jacobs, Pramila Jayapal, Henry C. “Hank” Johnson, Jr., Mondaire Jones, Kai Kahele, Marcy Kaptur, William R. Keating, Ro Khanna, Dan Kildee, Derek Kilmer, Ann Kirkpatrick, Raja Krishnamoorthi, John B. Larson, Brenda L. Lawrence, Barbara Lee, Teresa Leger Fernandez, Mike Levin, Alan Lowenthal, Stephen F. Lynch, Tom Malinowski, Sean Patrick Maloney, Carolyn B. Maloney, Betty McCollum, A. Donald McEachin, James P. McGovern, Grace Meng, Seth Moulton, Jerrold Nadler, Grace F. Napolitano, Marie Newman, Donald Norcross, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Frank Pallone, Jr., Donald M. Payne, Jr., Dean Phillips, Chellie Pingree, Mark Pocan, Katie Porter, David E. Price, Mike Quigley, Jamie Raskin, Bobby L. Rush, Linda T. Sánchez, John P. Sarbanes, Mary Gay Scanlon, Jan Schakowsky, Adam Schiff, Bradley S. Schneider, Robert C. “Bobby” Scott, David Scott, Brad Sherman, Albio Sires, Elissa Slotkin, Darren Soto, Jackie Speier, Melanie Stansbury, Haley Stevens, Thomas R. Suozzi, Eric Swalwell, Mark Takano, Mike Thompson, Dina Titus, Rashida Tlaib, Paul D. Tonko, Ritchie Torres, Norma Torres, Lori Trahan, David Trone, Lauren Underwood, Juan Vargas, Nydia Velázquez, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Peter Welch, Susan Wild, Nikema Williams and John Yarmuth. 

To read the full resolution text, click here



