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December 7, 2023

WATCH: Ahead of Vote, Pressley Defends Rep. Bowman Against Censure Resolution

“They can’t pass a bill to fund our public schools, but they will bring this resolution to attack Congressman Bowman, a champion for students, a lifelong educator, a duly-elected Member of Congress, and a strong Black man.”

Video (YouTube)

WASHINGTON — In a House Floor speech, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07) spoke out in defense of Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16) ahead of a vote on Republicans’ resolution to censure him.

Footage from her floor speech can be found here, and a transcript is below.

Ahead of Vote, Pressley Defends Rep. Bowman Against Censure Resolution

U.S. House of Representatives

December 6, 2023

Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to the censure of Representative Jamaal Bowman.

This is yet another predictable but no less wasteful action.

Congressman Bowman has taken accountability for his mistake and even Republicans on the Ethics Committee agree that this is a waste of time.

We’ve got 99 problems, but a functional government of a Republican majority is not one of them.

Republicans are disconnected, dysfunctional, discriminating, and a disappointment to the American people.

They can’t pass a bill to fund our public schools, but they will bring this resolution to attack Congressman Bowman, a champion for students, a lifelong educator, a duly-elected Member of Congress, and a strong Black man.

He honors the legacy of the many brilliant Black men that came before him. A quick history lesson: We are approaching the anniversary of when Joseph Rainey became the first Black Member of the House of Representatives in December of 1870.

Just like Jamaal Bowman, he fought for public education and civil rights. And he had to deal with double standards and racism in Congress.

This censure is just the latest in this chamber’s racist history of telling Black men that they don’t belong in Congress.

To the Black men of this nation know that you belong everywhere. Jamaal Bowman is fighting for you, I am fighting for you right alongside him, and I urge my colleagues to vote NO on this resolution. 
