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April 5, 2023

Rep. Pressley’s Statement on Donald Trump’s Arrest

RANDOLPH  – Today, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07) issued the following statement on the arrest and arraignment of Donald Trump:

“Donald Trump is a twice-impeached, consistently corrupt, and immoral man who has proven time and again that he is unfit for public office. And while his formal indictment for falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments is a step toward much-needed accountability, it remains deeply problematic that his many additional egregious crimes—including his incitement of a violent insurrection, conspiracy to overturn a democratic election, emboldening of white supremacist violence, and more—have gone unchecked.

“Meanwhile, despite his well-documented criminal history, the fact that Trump was brought into a courtroom, arraigned, and allowed to return home in a matter of hours is a slap in the face to the millions of Black, brown, and low-income people locked in jails across the country before a trial. This is another example that we have one legal system in America for the rich and powerful, and another for everyone else.

“Our system is allowing Trump to monetize his trial and continue to spread lies and incite violence—all while seeking the highest office in America. He must be held fully accountable for every crime he committed, and we must continue pushing to transform our legal system into one that truly lives up to its promise of equal justice under the law.”
