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June 29, 2022

Pressley Statement on Appointment of Mary Skipper as the next Superintendent of Boston Public Schools

BOSTON – Today, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07) issued the following statement on the appointment of Mary Skipper as the next Superintendent of Boston Public Schools.

“I want to congratulate Mary Skipper for being appointed as the next Superintendent of Boston Public Schools. Today’s announcement marks the beginning of a new chapter for the city and provides an opportunity to begin the necessary collective work of transforming our schools into the high quality, nurturing, and trauma-informed school environments that all our students and families deserve. 

“Our BPS community deserves a public school system committed to the bold, systemic reforms that are long overdue. This work is hard, ongoing, and necessary.

“There is no question that our most vulnerable students have been forced to bear the brunt of the unrelenting hurt and harm of the last two years–a pandemic that has robbed us of more than a million lives, and the rising threat of violent white supremacy and hate. Now more than ever we need steady and unapologetically antiracist leadership that will center equity at every step. 

“I am thinking specifically of our Black, brown, AAPI, indigenous and disabled students and their families as the next chapter for BPS begins tonight. 

“I look forward to working with Superintendent Skipper and stand ready to support Boston Public Schools as we work towards the future our students, educators and broader community deserve.” 
