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June 9, 2022

Pressley Statement on House Passage of Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), a member of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, issued the following statement on the House’s passage of gun violence prevention legislation, the Protect Our Kids Act and the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act: 

“From Buffalo, to Uvalde, to neighborhoods across the Massachusetts 7th Congressional District, gun violence is a public health crisis inflicting insurmountable pain and trauma on our communities. It is a moral failure, a policy failure, and it is entirely preventable. With gun violence now the leading cause of death for children in America, our communities deserve bold, meaningful policy action to save lives. 

“This week, the House took action to pass a series of gun violence prevention measures, including banning large capacity magazines, creating comprehensive red flag laws, cracking down on gun trafficking, and raising the age to purchase semi-automatic weapons. These commonsense measures will help save lives and address this epidemic. But, let me be clear, I will not stop fighting until we reinstate the assault weapons ban to finally remove these weapons of war from our streets, and invest in mental health and trauma supports so communities terrorized by this violence can get the resources necessary to heal. 

“Every single life robbed by gun violence mattered, and more lives are lost with each day that Congress fails to act. The Senate now has the opportunity and obligation to demonstrate how much those lives matter to them, and it must meet the moment. Inaction is not an option.” 

Yesterday, in a House Committee on Oversight and Reform hearing, Congresswoman Pressley called for meaningful policy action to combat the uniquely American gun violence epidemic and rejected suggestions by Republican lawmakers that arming teachers and funding more school police is the answer to ending mass shootings. Full video of her exchange with witnesses is available here
