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November 7, 2019

Reps. Pressley & Lynch, Senators Markey & Warren Announce $20 Million Grant for Massachusetts Port Authority

WASHINGTON –Today, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), Congressman Stephen Lynch (MA-08) and Senators Edward J. Markey (D-MA) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has awarded a $20 million “Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD)” grant to the Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport). This federal funding will help Massport expand its volume capacity by 100,000 containers at the Conley Container Terminal, as well as construct a new Cypher-E freight corridor in South Boston.


Investments in waterside and landside infrastructure help keep Conley Terminal competitive with other ports along the east coast. Boston Harbor is currently being dredged to accommodate the large container vessels calling today and into the future. The project is a $350 million partnership between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and Massport. Conley Terminal also has other improvement projects ongoing, including the purchase of three new ship to shore cranes, construction of two 50-foot berths, expanded reefer storage, and new in-and-out gate facilities.  Massport is ensuring that Conley Terminal is big ship ready in order to welcome even larger ships to the New England market.


“For far too long, our federal transportation funding and policies have created a landscape that has exacerbated inequities and disparities, particularly for low-income communities, people with disabilities and seniors,” said Congresswoman Pressley. “As co-founder of the Future of Transportation Caucus, it is my mission to ensure that we continue to invest in transit infrastructure improvement programs that promote inclusivity and dependability. This grant will enable the Massachusetts 7th and the Commonwealth to expand people-centered transportation systems that dismantle the invisible barriers that too often divide neighborhoods, communities and people.”


“Conley Terminal is one of New England’s most important economic assets and has experienced record growth in container volume for four consecutive years,” said Senator Ed Markey. “Expanding Conley’s capacity will ensure that the terminal can continue its uncontained growth for Massachusetts businesses. The Cypher-E freight corridor also will provide safe, efficient truck routes to transport goods into the hands of consumers in Massachusetts and across New England. I am proud to have worked with the Congressional delegation and state officials to help secure this essential funding.”


“To support record growth in economic activity, Massport is expanding its capacity to store and move goods around the region,” said Senator Warren. “I’m glad that Massport was awarded $20 million in federal funding, and I plan to keep standing with Massport, the Commonwealth, and my Congressional Delegation colleagues as we improve crucial infrastructure at our ports.”


“As someone who previously worked at Conley Terminal as an Ironworker, I am especially pleased to see Massport receive this major federal grant to help expand our freight facilities,” said Congressman Lynch. “This $20 million will help increase capacity and efficiency at Conley Container Terminal and continue to provide high quality blue-collar jobs for our state and the New England region. I give great credit to our partners in the Senate, Liz Warren and Ed Markey, for their great work as well.  Just as we have created the Tom Butler Haul Road to keep heavy trucks off local streets, we recognize that we are in a global competition for trade and import/export business so it is also imperative that we continue to invest in our port infrastructure to ensure it is fully equipped to run smoothly and remain an attractive international terminal.”


“Conley Container Terminal connects more than 2,500 New England businesses to the global economy. The Terminal moves the region’s goods to market with speed and efficiency, ensuring that local consumers have the products they need, when they need them,” said Massport CEO Lisa Wieland. “We are grateful to Secretary Chao, Senators Markey and Warren, Congressman Lynch and Congresswoman Pressley, and the Baker-Polito administration, for their support to further modernize Conley’s facilities and enhance freight corridors in the working port.”


“This grant will strengthen the South Boston Waterfront — one of the fastest growing economic centers in New England,” said Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “With this grant, we will be able to expand the capacity of the Conley Terminal and significantly improve Cypher Street for all.  This will help both people and goods move more safely and more reliably within the neighborhood and better connect our region with the world.  I want to thank the Congressional delegation for their support of this grant which will significantly enhance our transportation network in the thriving South Boston Waterfront.”


Conley Terminal, which is owned and operated by Massport, is the only full-service container terminal in New England and serves nine of the top ten shipping lines in the world. The terminal has had five years in a row of record-breaking years of container growth. Conley is located in the working Port of Boston, which is home to more than 9,000 jobs and generates $8.2 billion in annual economic impact.


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