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July 19, 2019

Rep. Pressley Statement Reaffirming Support for Community Health Center Funding

WASHINGTON – Today, ahead of the September deadline to reauthorize funding for Community Health Centers (CHC), Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07) issued the following statement reaffirming her commitment to ensure full funding for CHCs in the Massachusetts 7th and across the country:


“In my district, from Cambridge to Roxbury, the average life expectancy drops by as much as 30 years while Bay Staters continue to struggle with widening health disparities, rising maternal morbidity, and skyrocketing medical costs,” said Congresswoman Pressley. “Community Health Centers stand at the heart of this Massachusetts 7th Congressional District and without them disparities would be even worse. The 52 CHCs in Massachusetts provide life-saving, affordable, and patient-centered resources to over 300,000 children, people experiencing homelessness, immigrants and veterans. It is our responsibility, as lawmakers to invest in these critical centers of health and wellness, not cut it. I fully support the Community Health Center and Primary Care Workforce Expansion Act led by Rep. Clyburn and Senator Sanders to ensure that this critical safety net can meet the health care needs of every person who needs it. We won’t stand for any cuts to our Community Health Care Centers.”


Congresswoman Pressley is a long-time advocate for community-based health care programs and member of the Congressional Community Health Centers Caucus Last month, she helped secure $1.6 billion in funding for the Health Center program, including $5 million to support school-based health centers.


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